Dr. Xavier Cadena, C.C.E.P.
Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner
A.R.T. Provider (Houston’s 1st Master ART Provider)
Certified Graston Technique Provider
Certified Stretch To Win Flexibility Specialist
Certified Stretch Zone Flexibility Specialist
Certified Spider Tech Provider
Muscle Activation Technique Provider (MAT)
He graduated from Texas Chiropractic College receiving his Doctrine of Chiropractic and a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology. He also completed a six month internship in a sport chiropractic facility focusing on sport related injuries, extremity injuries, soft tissue disorders and flexibility.
Specialty Education:
Dr. Cadena is currently a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (C.C.E.P.). He was taught and certified by Dr. Kevin Hearon, the foremost leader in chiropractic extremity diagnosis, treatment and rehab.
Dr. Cadena is also full body ART certified and is very proud to be the 1st of only three Master ART providers located in Houston. In addition, he is also a certified Graston Technique provider as well as a Spider Tech Provider.
Also, Dr. Cadena has completed Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) lecture (upper extremity, lower extremity & Spine) and will soon begin a 10 month internship.
Finally, Dr. Cadena is a level 3 Stretch To Win (STW) and Stretch Zone Method (SZM) flexibility specialist. Taught by the creators themselves Chris & Anne Frederick (STW), and Jordan Gold (SZM).
Personal Interests:
Dr. Cadena has had a lifelong passion for sports. He is a very qualified athlete, having played basketball, baseball, football and running track. Dr. Cadena is now an avid distance runner and is currently training for upcoming 5K, 10K, half marathon and full marathons.

Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner

San Antonio Rock n Roll

Houston Chevron

Run Austin

Prickly Pear Ultra Marathon